Health Center

Health Services at JCC

At Jamestown Community College, our health centers are more than just facilities - we are dedicated to supporting the health and well-being of all students and employees. Our team is here to assist and guide you if you’re feeling unwell with a seasonal illness like influenza, RSV, or COVID-19, or have other health concerns.

Immunization records

Health Services care

Our registered nurses provide confidential health and wellness counseling to students and employees. They are trained to assess and recommend treatment options for minor health conditions and will refer you to a primary care provider, urgent care, or other community resources if needed.

Jamestown Campus: Hamilton Collegiate Center (COCE) 122 | 716.338.1077 or 716.338.1013 | Schedule an appointment in Starfish (Jamestown Campus)

Cattaraugus County Campus: College Center (COLL) 139 | 716.376.7569 | Schedule an appointment in Starfish (Cattaraugus County Campus)

COVID-19 vaccines are no longer mandatory for in-person attendance at JCC. However, it's important to note that SUNY may adjust this requirement. To ensure compliance, submit your immunization records to the Wellness Center and include your vaccine history. If you have received the COVID-19 vaccine, include this information.

We strongly encourage all students to remain current with COVID-19 vaccinations, as they are the most effective defense against this highly infectious disease. COVID-19 spreads rapidly, and SUNY's vaccination policy may change over time.

If you're involved in an internship or clinical practicum outside of JCC, you must adhere to the vaccination requirements of the external organization.

JCC is a tobacco-free campus. Smoking and tobacco products are prohibited on the college's campuses except in designated areas. If you want to quit smoking, visit the Wellness Center for a free Quit Kit, the New York State Smoker's Quitline, or call 1-866-NY-QUITS.

Health Services at Jamestown Community College offers high-quality, primary healthcare under the supervision of a Registered Nurse. This ensures that students can perform physically and mentally to the best of their abilities and achieve their academic goals.

In addition, Health Services aims to impart health education based on evidence and provide timely information to students. The department strives to identify and eliminate health-related barriers that may hinder the development of healthy lifestyles among students.

Ultimately, our goal is to enhance students’ growth, development, and intellect so they can become responsible members of society.

Additional support & information