Academic Suspension Status

What is Academic Suspension?

After a semester in Academic Jeopardy status at Jamestown Community College, students will be considered for Academic Suspension based on current grades and academic history. In general, this means that you have been below the satisfactory requirements based on Federal Aid Eligibility Chart A for at least two semesters.

What happens if you are Academically Suspended?

If you are Academically Suspended, you will be suspended for one full semester from JCC.

When you return, you will need to reapply to the college and contact Financial Aid & Billing prior to the start of the semester to determine your aid eligibility.

Can you appeal Academic Suspension?

Students retain the right to appeal any academic standings decision.

1. Submit a Written Appeal

You can submit a written appeal to the Academic Standings Committee for review. The Academic Standings Committee, made up of faculty members, meets monthly to consider appeals.

The appeal letter should be:

  • Emailed to, or
  • Submitted to the Student Affairs office on the Jamestown Campus, Success Center at the Cattaraugus County Campus, or main office at the North County Center.

The Academic Standings Committee will do a thorough review of all documentation, and may reach out to you if further information is required. The committee may request to meet with you.

It is strongly recommended that you discuss your aid eligibility with Financial Aid & Billing before registering for classes. The process to appeal your financial aid status is separate from the appeal to the Academic Standings Committee.

2. Receive Appeal Outcome

You will be notified if your appeal has been accepted or declined by mail and a phone call.

  • Appeal approved: If your appeal is approved, then you will be able to register for the next semester. You will continue to be on Academic Jeopardy and be required to meet with a JCC counselor throughout the semester.
  • Appeal denied: You have the option to appeal to the vice president of Academic Affairs. The information on how to contact the vice president will be included in the response from the Academic Standings Committee. The vice president will gather and review the information to date prior to scheduling a meeting with you. The decision of the vice president will be final.

    What happens if your appeal is approved?

    If your suspension appeal is approved, then you will be able to register for the next semester. You will continue to be on Academic Jeopardy.

    It is mandatory to meet with a counselor from the Success Center to reflect on the reasons for the low grades, and to develop a Success Plan to overcome the obstacles identified.

    It is strongly recommended to contact Financial Aid & Billing immediately to determine if you are eligible for aid.

    Support Services for Your Success Plan

    JCC offers numerous learning and holistic support services, and the Success Plan developed with the JCC counselor will help determine the most appropriate services for you.