College Connections Instructors

Teach a College Connections course

College Connections instructors are high school teachers approved to offer Jamestown Community College courses. You'll work with a JCC faculty liaison to ensure that the courses offered in your high school are consistent with those offered on campus in regard to department requirements, student learning objectives, prerequisites, and required assessments.

How to apply

College Connections always welcomes your teaching experience and enthusiasm. A master’s degree in a specific subject area is highly desirable but not required in all content areas. Check out our course-specific instructor qualifications for more information.

  1. Submit the application, including a resume and official or unofficial copies of your undergraduate and graduate transcripts.
  2. The faculty liaison will arrange an observation and/or an interview with you after your materials are evaluated by the department.
  3. You will be notified of the department’s decision.


As a College Connections instructor, you’ll work closely with your JCC faculty liaison through site visits and other forms of communication.

Course syllabus

Your liaison will provide you with a template for your course syllabus. Prior to the start of your course, your faculty liaison approves the course syllabus and textbook, which ensures that your course outline meets the same outcomes as the respective course on campus. Your faculty liaison will send you a syllabus review form each semester, which serves as a checklist for syllabus requirements.

Review of course syllabus ensures consistency in:

Instructors can upload their syllabi for review using the College Connections Syllabus Upload Form.


The same textbook that is used for on-campus courses is typically used in the high school. In some cases, a faculty liaison may approve an alternate text. Some high schools choose to purchase textbooks and loan them to students, while others may require their students to purchase textbooks from a JCC campus bookstore. If students will be required to purchase texts from the JCC campus bookstore, the textbooks must be ordered ahead of time.

Classroom observations

Classroom observations help to ensure that college courses offered through College Connections are consistent with those taught on campus. They also connect you to your fellow faculty on campus.

Faculty liaisons conduct classroom observations the first two times a course is offered and then at the discretion of the liaison. At minimum, a classroom observation is completed once every three years, which is consistent with JCC’s classroom observation policy for part-time faculty.

Professional development

You are required to attend one half-day professional development workshop every year as part of the College Connections program (at no cost to you). Faculty liaisons determine the date and topic for the workshop. Throughout the year, your faculty liaison or the College Connections director may invite you to additional events.

Student evaluation & department assessment

College Connections students complete course evaluations for each of their courses. Once course evaluations have been processed, you’ll receive an emailed summary report of the results.

All master syllabi include a set of Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) which are assessed on a three-year cycle. Your faculty liaison will notify you when your course and/or SLOs are being assessed and what assessments will be collected. You will be required to submit these assessments to your faculty liaison.

Student enrichment

Throughout the year College Connections teachers and their students are invited to participate in various College Connections enrichment opportunities. These events aim at providing enriching educational opportunities for College Connections students and recognizing their hard work and dedication across numerous disciplines.

Teacher of the Year award

Each year College Connections recognizes a teacher who best exemplifies the core program standards. The teacher of the year is chosen from among those nominated by program liaisons and administration.


College Connections Instructor Resources
JCC Web Resources for College Connections