Pre-honors Program for High School Students

Honors program with college credit

Are you a high school student ready for a challenge? The Pre-honors Program at Jamestown Community College provides high school students with college-level coursework and opportunities to excel academically.

In addition to being prepared for the academic rigor expected of college students, Pre-honors students receive unique benefits, including:

  • Early registration for on-campus courses
  • Welcome luncheon and end-of-year reception
  • Access to Honors events on campus
  • Access to online group for Honors students

If you decide to attend JCC after high school graduation, you are granted automatic acceptance into our Honors Program with added benefits:

  • Free printing on campus
  • Honors housing in the residence halls on the Jamestown Campus
  • Honors citation on student transcripts

Pre-honors students who earn a significant number of college credits while in high school may be able to complete their associate's degree with an Honors citation in just one year. We recommend all students interested in accelerating their degree completion meet with a JCC success navigator or JCC advisor while still in high school to make a plan to ensure success.

You are eligible to apply if you are a current high school junior or senior who has completed at least 12 college credits and has a college GPA of 3.5 or higher.

Complete the Pre-Honors application in spring of your junior year or early fall of your senior year.

You must be accepted into the program by December of your senior year to complete the requirements of the program.

Following acceptance into the program, you will enroll in a 3-credit symposium course offered in the spring semester (starting in mid-January and ending in mid-May). The symposium is taught by college faculty and designed to inspire students to approach global topics from diverse perspectives.

Since the symposium is typically offered asynchronously online, you do not need to travel to campus or attend class at a set time each day. Online courses do require you to log in regularly and participate in discussion boards as part of your attendance and submit all assignments on time.

Are there costs associated with the Pre-honors Program?

You do not need to pay to apply to the Pre-honors Program.

You do not need to provide us with your JCC transcript. However, if you want courses you took at any other colleges to apply toward your 12-credit hour minimum on your application, you will need to order an official transcript from that institution.

You will need to pay for tuition and fees related to enrolling in the Honors symposium course.

  • You are eligible to receive the PEP grant, which will cover up to half the cost of tuition for the course.
  • You will be responsible for paying for the remaining tuition and fees for the symposium and any additional courses you wish to enroll in, on campus or online.

What is the difference between the Honors Program and the honor society?

JCC’s Honors Program is composed of specific academic courses, with the opportunity to work one-on-one with instructors and leaders in the community. 

Phi Theta Kappa is the international honor society of two-year colleges. It does not involve specific JCC coursework. High school students may also receive a formal invitation from JCC to join PTK.