Study physical education at JCC
The Physical Education Studies degree at Jamestown Community College prepares you for transfer to earn your bachelor’s degree in physical education fields. You can pursue careers in physical education, fitness and wellness, and athletics. Popular fields include coaching and teaching, athletic and personal training, sports medicine, sports psychology, exercise science, nutrition, facilities management, and athletic administration.
Your courses at JCC focus on physical education theory and activity with an emphasis on health awareness, sportsmanship, and professionalism. You’ll study movement, athletics, recreation, fitness, conditioning, and life sciences. Internships and job shadow opportunities are available to first- and second-year students each semester.
2023 median pay for fitness trainers and instructors: $46,480/year according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Where to study at JCC
- Fully available on the Jamestown Campus
- Some courses must be completed on the Jamestown Campus
Physical education skills
After you complete the program, you will be able to:
- Classify anatomical and/or physiological terms correctly when describing the human body.
- Recognize the elements/benefits of sound nutrition and a healthy diet.
- Apply first aid and CPR and describe specific methods to prevent, recognize, and treat common injuries.